Thursday, February 21, 2008

Week of 2/11/08

Another uneventful running week - just plugging along at the usual events:

Monday - off
Tuesday - spinning
Wednesday - weights and leg exercises
Thursday - 6 miles
Friday - off
Saturday - 10.0 miles on the Westside trail partially with JM (she was doing a 20 miler that day) - it was good to have a partner to run with even for only half of the run. I really like the West Side route. Total time - 1:28:26 (pace of 8:51 per mile). The second half of the run was quicker than the first half and it felt pretty good.
Sunday - 5 miles in the gym (ugh!)

I seem to be almost all set for the Lehigh Valley Half. I got my hotel room booked and I am registered for the race and pasta party. I'll decide whether to rent a car or take a bus as the event gets closer. Joan Benoit Samuelson is scheduled to be a speaker at the pasta party. It should be cool to hear from a living legend.

I'm pondering at the moment - do I take the Yoga for Runner class again on Feb 24th, whether to step it up and start going to speedwork (either through the Flyers or otherwise), other out of Manhattan half marathons to run, whether or not a marathon is in my future in 2008 (although that doesn't have to be decided right now - I have a couple months)


Anonymous said...

Great job on the 10 miler! Hope you'll be able to start getting some more nice runs in outside soon. How did you like the yoga for runners class?

runner26 said...

Missed you yesterday. I thought for sure you'd show. It was a great class. Yoga can only help, imo.

jb24 said...

d10 - Thanks for the encouragement. Hopefully the weather will start getting warmer and I could go for even longer runs on the weekends.

Runner26- I was hoping to go to the class yesterday, since I had a great time at the first one, but I had trouble squeezing in a long run and the yoga session. I went snowboarding on Friday and did pretty much nothing on Saturday so my only day left to get in a long run this week was yesterday. How was the class? EB was a great teacher the last time.