Monday, February 25, 2008

My Body Survived My First Snowboarding Trip - 2/18/08

After many months of asking by one of my friends, I finally tried snowboarding on Friday (2/22). We ended up going to Hunter Mountain which is only about a couple hours away. I felt that I was somewhat prepared due to my strong legs and loads of stability exercises. Once we got there, my friend gave me a few lessons on how to get on the board, how to turn, how to slow down, and how to fall properly. So after about a half hour or so, I figured I was ready for my first try (although I was a bit nervous). As long as I was going slow, I was doing alright. The falls don't hurt that much if you are going slow down the mountain. The problems started happening after I began to pick up speed on the board. I was having a hard time slowing down and I had little confidence in my ability to make a quick turn if I was about to hit a pole. Therefore, in order to slow down, I had to induce a fall which is where the hurting began. Falling on my butt, falling on my hips, and falling on my wrists (thank god for wrist gurard or my hands probably would have cracked off). As I am going down the mountain each time, what is the one thing that always crosses my mind - just don't hurt your legs!!! (I am a runner at heart after all). I took a hard fall on my knees, but other than that I feel that I got away with just some expected soreness that will go away in a few days (hopefully). My hip flexors took the brunt of the soreness. Keeping balance on the board puts alot of pressure on your hips.

Since the only run I went on before snowboarding was on Thursday, I knew that I would have a hard time getting in my runs this week. I was pretty sore on Saturday, but was able to get in a four mile run at the gym on the treadmill. Since that run felt OK, I figured I would try to get in a long run on Sunday. The pace of the run really didn't matter. I wanted to just made sure that I got a longer run in. The weather was good and I was able to run 9.1 miles (one lower five loop and one four mile loop). Unfortunately, the long run prevented me from going to the Yoga for Runners class that I was looking forward to going to. I really want to incoporate more Yoga into my routine and it was a great class the last time I went. I heard from some friends that it was good once again.

Weekly recap: Mon - off, Tues - spinning, Weds - off, Thurs - 6 miles, Fri - off, Sat - 4 miles, Sun - 9.1 miles

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Snowboarding is so much fun! I have issues stopping as well. When I have gone skiing I have been more worried about taking out the waiting lines at the bottom of the hills. Great job sticking with your goal of getting in one long run a week.