Thursday, February 14, 2008

Back on Track - Week of 2/4/08

I'm already way past the end of last week regarding my recap, so I will just be brief. After a week off regarding my longer runs, I am back on track. I did a 9.1 mile run - one of the five mile lower loops and one 4 mile loop. In addition, although I have not been back to an abs class yet, I've made a point to carve out some time each week to get in my leg exercises and keep up a maintenance level. Recap of the week:

Monday - 6.2 mile run with the downtown group
Tuesday - spinning
Wednesday - off
Thursday - 6 mile run with the Thursday group
Friday - weights and stretching (legs only)
Saturday - 9.1 mile (one lower loop and one 4 mile loop: total time - 1:18:50 for an 8:40 pace not including a 2:00 break after the first loop)

1 comment:

Trakmaniak said...

Ahhh i'm awaiting for the longer runs...although are you done for longer than halves? I mean halves are a great distance don't get me wrong and your training is really consistant...damn!

So the big runner's world half in leigh valley...hmmm...train hard...I predict a PR in this one...(although I don't know the course, I'm hoping you do since you've been running really well lately!)