Sunday, October 21, 2007

Week of 10/15/07

Nothing special this week. I was able to get in a variety of runs and cross training activities.

Monday 10/15 - Went to abs class for first time in a couple of months, did usual quad and hamstring exercises on the weight machine, and did various back, glute and squat exercises: lat pulldowns, "medicine ball" push ups, squats on the half-dome, accelerations on each leg using the dome (good for explosion), bridge and glute exercises

Tuesday - went to spinning class at 76th and 1st with the instructor that I like. He has been on vacation from class for a couple of months and I miss all that he brings to class that most teachers don't - a varied workout with hills, strength, intervals, tempo runs, and constant motivation throughout. I finally bought cycling shoes to use in spinning class since everyone I have spoken to told me how much they help you during class and make for a more intense and efficient workout. This was my first class using them and I definitely see a difference. I can pull up on the pedal and have a stronger pedal stroke. I'm glad that I got them. I recommend them to anyone who goes to spinning class frequently - they seem like they will be a good investment. I got a pair of Specialized MB shoes (with an SPD cleat) at Larry and Jeff's on the 87th and 2nd. The store offers a NY Flyers discount. I was able to get the shoes and cleats for only about $90.

Wednesday - did a 6 mile loop with the Weds. Flyer group run. Felt a little sluggish from the weights and spinning the two days before but overall I felt good.

Thursday - ran 5 miles with the group run - a bit hot and humid which has been the theme the last couple of weeks

Sunday- ran the "last 10 miler" with the Flyers at a nice conversational pace. The weather was beautiful. It was nice to get a longer run in.


JohnnyGo said...

Wow, your description of the abs class frightens me!

I don't know what half those things are, but it sounds intense!

jb24 said...


The exercises I described are what I did after the abs class - some strengthening exercises. Don't worry, the abs exercises aren't that scary.

Great to see you yesterday.