Thursday, October 11, 2007

End of the Year Plan Ideas - 2007

Since the Urbanathlon, my running has decreased slightly and it doesn't really bother me that much. After doing a couple half marathons this year and training for them over the last 3 months or so, I'm not really looking to log heavy mileage right now. Last week, I ran 3 days and about 18 miles including the Monday downtown run. This week, I'm planning on running 3 or 4 days plus a spinning class. For the rest of the year, I'd like to keep up running for at least 3 days per week (plus a spinning and weight day) and run about 17-20 miles per week unless there is a special longer run that I want to do.

As of now, I don't plan on doing any longer races (half marathon or longer) for the rest of the year, so I am trying to come up with a plan for the rest of 2007 and beginning of 2008. I found that I work best if things are written down - then I feel that I have to do it. The last few years, I've used the last few months of the year (if I wasn't training for a marathon) as a time to regroup and refocus and allow my body to recover so I can be invigorated and motivated at the start of the next year. Here are some ideas to throw out there:

1) Volunteer at the NYC Marathon - I've already signed up for this. It's fun, exciting, and it allows you to be a part of the electricity that is the NYC marathon. Also, seeing the faces of the runners is inspirational. I've always found that New Yorkers are at their nicest on that day cheering for complete strangers and having a great time. It's one of my favorite days of the year in the city.

2) Keep things fun - add runs and activities that are new and different; maybe some that are outside of the city. This will help keep my mind clear and motivated.

3) Compete in shorter races - I've already signed up for a bunch of races between now and the end of the year all of which are 10K or less (I'm so glad that I signed up to be a benefactor this year). These don't require as much training or motivation but still keeps your body in race shape and keeps your speed intact.

4) Step up strength training - maintain and build the muscles that have been neglected the past few months

5) Less rigors on the body - possibilities: run a little less (maybe 3 days per week) and incorporate other activities to strengthen my body and allow things to heal up - abs class (core training), spinning class, strength training, trail running, cardio kick boxing (or another toning/strength class), yoga (my office gives them for free and I've been saying to myself for months that I should take a class - I have nothing to lose)

6) Try out a speed work class- I'd rather try it out when I am not training for a marathon to see how my body reacts to it. No pressure. I would either try a NYF workout or try out Mike Keohane's class (I've heard very good things - improved performance, personalized attention, he let's you know what you are doing right as well as what you are doing wrong)

7) Investigate the possibility of getting a GPS watch for pacing purposes


runner26 said...

All very good goals. A nice variety. I'll see you at the P. gel station!

JohnnyGo said...

Dude, your plan sounds great. Save a gel for me -- if I get that far I'll need one!

brunettechicagogal said...

Hi, jB! How fun that you've got a blog now!

jb24 said...


I hope all is well in Chicago. I'm keeping up on your whereabouts through your blog. I'm not able to make comments on your blog since I'm not one of your "team member" blogs. If you get a chance, add me to the list.

Take care.

Trakmaniak said...


Always good to keep goals in check at the end of the year especially. Remind me to make mine not as long as your list after all of my marathons? Like...No races, No runs, no running...or maybe 3 days a week...

oh and I'll want a GU and a picture with you on Marathon day...

brunettechicagogal said...

jb24: Will do.