Sunday, December 9, 2007

Mileage Isn't the Only Measuring Stick

Unfortunately, I only ran two times this week (for a total of about 16 miles) but I was able to squeeze in abs and spinning as well as my first yoga class. Also the long run streak remains intact.

The small number of running outings is due in part to the downtown run this week. Over the past few months, I've made a point to join the downtown group run on the first Monday of the month since it helps me mix up my routes a bit, get in a longer run, and there is beer and food afterwards. The one wrinkle with this plan for this month was the fact that I ran the Hot Chocolate 15K (9.3 miles) only two days before. I was a little weary about running approximately 8.5 miles only two days after I ran a 15K since I haven't done that in a very long time. However, I really wanted to join the group and did it anyway knowing that it might be trouble. I was doing pretty well for most of the run but then felt my legs getting pretty sore towards the end of the run. I didn't get much of a chance to stretch afterwards since we went straight to the bar once the run was over. My legs definitely felt strained for the rest of the week. While I made sure to get in my spinning and abs for the week, I laid off of the weights and leg exercises thinking that I didn't want to push my legs too far. I knew that I had the Kleinerman 10K at the end of the week to get my running juices flowing a little bit.

The Kleinerman 10K was on Sunday and I didn't want to miss it. I believe that it is one of the only (if not the only) race that I've done every year since I've been in the city. The pacing was a little bit up and down and for the first time in a long time it was my breathing that was affected and not my legs (not shortness of breath but trouble taking long deep breaths - my ribs and side felt stiff). I'm not sure if it was the erratic pacing but I found myself needing to take deeper breaths towards the last couple miles of the race. My breathing got a little smoother towards the end of the race and I picked it up a bit.

Mile splits: 8:38, 7:53, 7:36, 7:48, 7:44, 8:47 (1.2 miles) - total time 48:27 and overall pace of 7:48

I took a yoga class for the first time at Practice Yoga after the 10K race (taught by a fellow Flyer) and I really felt that it was beneficial. My office gives free yoga classes but I was reluctant to take one before I knew at least some of the basic moves and terminology. There were about 12-15 Flyers that took the class and I was glad that I went. It was much easier to take a beginner's class when you know all of the people in it. I realized that several of the moves used in yoga class are also ones that I have gotten practice doing through my weekly abs class at NYSC. I definitely want to try and incorporate yoga classes into my routine - a class here and there at first, then more frequently if I enjoy it.

Although not a big running week, it was cool to finally try out yoga. The end of the year is about keeping up maintenance mileage, as well as toning and building up my body. So, by those measurements, this week was a success (running - 16+ miles; body - abs, spinning, yoga).


JohnnyGo said...

The yoga class sounds great. Definitely a successful week!

nyflygirl said...

you shoulda dropped out at the ferry on monday like i did-i too, thought 8 and change would be too much two days after a 10 mile long run.

great job yesterday! and the yoga sounded like fun-i wish i didnt have to miss it (i was stuffing my face with latkes and cookies instead :-p )

runner26 said...

I *wish* I could run that time for a 10K! One day I will just have to try as hard as I can to stick with you ;) Glad you enjoyed the yoga--I loved it this summer and really want to get back into it. I love knowing the terms too--makes me feel cool ;)

jb24 said...

Johnny, NYfly, and runner26 - definitely check out Ellen Bain's yoga class if you have a chance. She was really good.

NYFly - I probably should have stopped my Monday downtown run after 5 miles last week but I kept going knowing that it would be my only chance during the week to get in a long run.

R26 - Are you running the Holiday 4Miler this weekend? We can run that together. Good luck on the campaign trail!