Saturday, September 8, 2007

The fog is lifting...

After about three weeks of slight dizziness/head pressure after the Nike Half on 8/5/07, I was starting to feel a lot better. I had my eyes checked at the end of August and everything was normal. I think that put my mind at ease and allowed me to get a little more motivated to go running. I felt more comfortable on my runs and did not feel deflated or unmotivated to go outside (starting the last week in August/first week in September). I saw that my times during my weekday runs were getting a little faster than usual and I was feeling stronger and using less effort. It was nice to see that hopefully I was emerging out of my month and a half long funk. Towards the end of August, I ran a couple 4 or 5 mile runs on my own at 8;15 to 8:30 pace and I ran the six mile group run with a couple of friends on 9/6/07 at 8:30 pace. I know that I won't be able to keep these paces up all of the time (I usually run about 9 minute miles during group runs), but at least know that I am still capable of doing them.

Also, other than the Nike Half, I haven't run a NYRR race since June. I usually use them to gauge how I'm doing and I think I missed running them for a few months. So, I signed up for the Fitness 4 mile race and ran it this morning. I ended up running a 7:21 pace for a total time of 29:25. I felt very good throughout the whole race and was relieved that I kept a rather consistent pace and did not feel strained at any one point. As mentioned in the past, I have trouble pacing myself in races so I wanted to make sure that I didn't wear myself out. I had mile times of 7:31, 7:16, 7:29, and 7:07. Although these are quick for me, they felt controlled and I kept on telling myself to stay calm. I felt better during these miles than I did when I was running 9:45 pace at the end of the Nike Half. Even though this was only a four miler, it was a good confidence booster for me knowing that I can come back and run a quick time even after having a lot of trouble for a month or two before.

I have been getting back on the spinning horse, going back to regular classes over the last 3 or 4 weeks. I don't think that it is a coincidence that my body and mind have been feeling better lately at the same time that I have been going back to spinning classes. Also, I now have a new "before race" breakfast that has been working - peanut butter on a bagel and Gatorade. After I didn't eat enough before the Nike Half, I swore I would make myself eat a good breakfast before a race. Finally, I am switching from Chocolate Power Gels to Vanilla Power Gels. The chocolate just seems to be getting too thick and its hard to get it down during a race. The vanilla is a much thinner consistency and a lot easier to suck down on a race.

Take care.


runner26 said...

Nice race! Training in the summer can be harder than we think. The heat and humidity make you work harder but you don't see the results. I'm sure this fall will hold some great races for you!

Trakmaniak said...

Damn! Smokin' Seriously? Wow, maybe it was the group run that we did before the race that you were burnig up the tracks and well I was just luggin're definately ready...out of the funk and into a new light. Try the strawberry gu's they are wonderful!