Tuesday, September 23, 2008

17 Mile Run - 9/20/08

This past weekend I upped the ante and got in a 17 mile run - my longest run in about 2 years. I ran it with my friend and fellow Flyer, SR. We ran the first 15 miles together (6 mile loop, lower 5 mile loop and inner 4 mile loop) and it felt great. It is amazing how much easier a long run is when you have someone running next to you - pushing you, keeping your mind distracted, keeping you company, etc. The first 11 miles just flew by. I couldn't believe how comfortable it felt. We were able to keep up about a 9:05 pace for the first 15 miles. I never would have been able to do this all by myself, as proven by the last two miles.

Like magic, once SR left I started to feel all of the aches and pains in my hip, feet and ankles. I only did a loop of the reservoir and then a half mile on the bridle path, but they felt very tough. I didn't feel drained after the run, just sore. However, I was proud to get a 17 miler under my belt. The training seems to be going well.

I still haven't signed up for Philadelphia but I think I am getting closer. We'll see in the next few weeks. I have the Newport Half Marathon this weekend in Jersey City and I'll use this as a gauge to see how I am doing.


Anonymous said...

You are amazing! Excellent job on the 17 mile run. You are really running strong.

Good luck this weekend. I can't wait to read about it.

nyflygirl said...

Good luck in the half!! Interested to hear your thoughts on the race (it was one I was briefly considering too)

N.D. said...

I was looking into that newport half but logistically I couldn't swing it. Great job on the run! Philly is a great marathon. The expo sucked but the run was alot of fun. Beer smelling manuyunk too! I did it last year. Keep up the good work!
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