Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Colon Cancer Challenge 15K - 3/9/08

Sunday morning was the Colon Cancer Challenge 15K. This is a race that I have done a couple times in the past and is one that I like running. I have been doing my 10 mile runs every weekend for the past couple months but at a slower pace, usually between 8:30 and 8:50. I wanted to use this race to give me a chance to run at a faster, "race" pace and give me a good idea where I was at this early in the year. I was encouraged by my time at the Manhattan Half, but I haven't run a race at a longer distance since then, which was about a month and a half ago.

I was happy with both my overall time and pace. I was looking back at my past times for this race and I came up with a goal time of running under 1:12:00. I ended up running a total time of 1:11:57 for an overall pace of 7:44. I think this bodes well for the training I have been doing so far and gives me a good gauge in creating a goal time when I run the Lehigh Valley Half Marathon in a month and a half. I was a little worried though since my back was hurting me earlier in the week and my hamstrings and glutes were pretty tight and I didn't know how they would react in the cold weather. I got a sports massage on the Friday before the race and it worked pretty well to loosen me up. Although I was a lot looser than earlier in the week, I did experience some glute and lower back stiffness during the race but I made sure to stretch afterwards. The weather was a bit tough during the race. The cold wasn't the problem - it was the wind. I found myself struggling at times to push through the wind on the hills but I guess it is good practice. My pacing was relatively consistent throughout the entire race and I was surprised that I was able to get out of the gate relatively quickly for the first mile and keep it up for the duration. Below are the mile breakouts (it seems as if the mile markers were off for miles 2 and 3)

Mile 1 - 7:59
Mile 2 - 7:11 (this was definitely wrong)
Mile 3 - 8:21 (the mile markers were off)
Mile 4 - 7:43
Mile 5 - 7:41
Mile 6 - 7:48
Mile 7 - 7:35
Mile 8 - 7:49
Last 1.3 miles - 9:48 (7:32 mile pace)

Overall time: 1:11:57 and a pace of 7:44

Running for the week - Monday (6.2 with downtown group), Tuesday (spinning), Wednesday (off), Thursday (6), Friday(weights and sports massage), Saturday off, Sunday (9.3)


Anonymous said...

You did great, what an awsome time! Way to hit your target time. Make sure you keep stretching even on your off days and try to incorporate different stretches.

runner26 said...

i had no idea you were out there on sun!! didn't see you at all! great race!!! Guess you already read my sob story for this race--glad to see someone had a good race. It is my goal to someday keep up with you during one of these races... ;)