Monday, January 7, 2008

First Week of 2008

Well, I seemed to have a positive start to the new year. Hopefully a sign of good things to come in 2008. I was able to celebrate the New Year with a bunch of great friends, go for a run on New Year's day, fit in an abs class, weather the cold at the Thursday group run (although if layered properly, the sub 20 degree temperatures weren't bad at all), squeeze in a spinning class during lunch, and gather up enough motivation to run 10 miles on my own. All of this exercise allowed me to watch the Giants win their first playoff game since 2000 on Sunday. The damage for the week:

Monday - off (New Year's Eve)
Tuesday - 6 miles with BH, JM, and MC
Wednesday - abs class but no weights
Thursday - 5.5 miles during the Group Run and my run home
Friday - spinning class
Saturday - 10 miles on my own running two lower 5 mile loops of the park (loop 1 - 42:45, 2 minute break, loop 2 - 42:47) - including the 2 minute break my pace was about 8:45, if the break is not included then my pacing for the two running loops was about 8:33
Sunday - off watching the Giants wild card game

Good start - let's keep it going


runner26 said...

oohh--good start to 08!

Any interest in running Vermont this year??? I'm tossing the idea around...

JohnnyGo said...

Happy New Year!
Sounds like you are off to a great start.
And hey, including your between-loop break time into your pace calculation is pretty hard core! Do I have to do that now? Cause I don't think that 30 minute break I took yesterday should really count...

Trakmaniak said...

What a week! Well...good luck in the New Year...anyways I can help, let me know. Any more group runs with a little speed intensity will be fine with me.